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Webinar recording: Find your smart moves 2023

Identify how to super-charge your effort and resources for greater impact

Catch up with the recording of our 'Find your smart moves for 2024' webinar. Here's some background...

Identify how to super-charge your effort and resources for greater impact.

If you're trying to make meaningful change happen in your organisation, how can you find the smart ways to stretch your budget, time and resources to make the most difference?

In this webinar, we explain how to use a behavioural approach to drive change successfully, by:

  • Getting practical with how to target your budget and resources where they’ll have biggest impact.
  • Helping you pinpoint the actions and behaviours that support the change you need.
  • Revealing how to help people use those actions and behaviours at the right moments.
  • Building a strategy and interventions based on this human-centric approach.

Catch up with the recording here...


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